Friday, June 18, 2010

happy friday!

ok! day 30 something and the sun has been shining all day. the boys have been in rare form screaming and jumping off everything, thankfully most of the day was spent outside. all errands were run and we even had time to meet up with friends at the local reptile house!
i dont think i mentioned...or maybe i did...that i took our little schnauzer to be neutered. poor guy has had some swelling at the incision site so a trip to the vet was in order. all is well; just a little bit of fluid collecting inside, but nothing to be worried about. trying to get the boys bathed and in bed. no naps today so fingers crossed ill have an easy time getting them to go to sleep. about ready for bed myself...being a mommy and a daddy is exhausting.

i love you my darling and wherever you may be know that my thoughts are always with you.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


ok ok i am a horrible awful blogger. seems life has just been getting in the way leaving me with no time or even desire to update my life. the past few weeks have seen me participate in the crazy horse volksmarch, lose a friend, get sick and pass the 2 month deployment mark. all good in there own way.
i can say with confidence my direction is ever forward, one day at a time. been looking into a south dakota state park pass, enabling me to visit all the parks in the state and get some good hikes in before it starts getting cold. winter comes fast and quick here.
so i guess if we want to get back on track with numbering days lets go with day...30? sounds about right to me. tomorrow is day 31...woot!