Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Direction finding (DF) refers to the establishment of the direction from which a received signal was transmitted.

i think this short sentence best sums up what im currently doing and what i have been doing since you left me in april. one day in the near future my DF will lead me to the airport to bring you home. counting down the days and still trying to orient myself in the process.

school days

im writing this the eve before my eldests son's first day of school, well preschool. never having had a child in daycare or preschool im new to this whole thing but im totally excited. we got our outfit picked out and camera handy. backpack is by the backdoor with a spare outfit...just in case. early bedtime has been instituted, for him anyways. im still up poking around on the internet and generally wasting time. hmmm...maybe i should set the timer on the coffee machine just in case im a groggy mess. im most certainly not a morning person, fortunately for me we only have to get up early 2 days a week. wishing my husband could be here for this momentous occasion but i will take pictures galore to satisfy his spirit. we will be thinking of you daddy!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

texas time.

direction: south...deep south. texas south. visted family in texas, very fun but a very long drive. we left south dakota on the 15th and after 20+ hours of driving we made it to killeen tx. on the drive down the boys and i visited buffalo bills cabin as well as monument rocks in kansas. stopped at least 4 public parks in the various towns we drove through. i decided not to take major highways so we could view the flora and fauna of the different states as we traveled. i must say, despite the long distance, this was the most beautiful and pleasant roadtrip i have ever undertaken. no traffic or busy highways, just parks, animals, and amazing landmarks, both man made and natural.

once we reached killeen we hiked, walked, swam, and camped all over the place. the heat certainly put a cramp on our style but we didnt let it hold us back from having fun. checked out cameron park zoo in waco and visited both the aquarium and jfk musuem in dallas. my dad flew into town on the 27th and the remainder of the trip was spent sightseeing with him. despite the heat, humidity, and cat sized cockroaches the texas trip was bananas!