Friday, December 3, 2010

it's official!

christmas is here!


  1. I had no idea you even had a blog! I'm so excited!!!!! I've been blogging for a couple of years now and absolutely love it - I've been very slack for the last few months though so I'm trying to get my act together again. It sounds crazy but the blogging community is wonderful - I've made some of my best friends through blogging. Can't wait to dig into your blog and read away - hope you're doing well. I'm so happy for you and your family that Keith is home - you guys deserve a Christmas together!!!!!

  2. i started it right after keith deployed as way to keep my sanity and find some direction in life. i go through periods of being slack and then posting a ton. i need to find some common ground. thank you for checking me out and leaving some comments. i really love the focus your blog has and only hope mine can be as successful as yours.
